Many users use the keyboard for typing text, and the mouse for other actions, and they are not aware of the true abilities button.In this tutorial I will describe a number of very useful shortcuts, which will shorten the daily activities in working with the computer.
The previous two shortcuts are extremely useful, especially when used one after another.They allow you to share your screen.For example, read the left half of the screen and typing on the right half.
Shortcuts for taskbar
General shortcuts
Shortcuts for Windows Explorer
Stickers for Desktop (Sticky Notes)
It is not known exactly when the fridge started to be used as a bulletin board.But, as with sites on the Internet, its popularity has grown due to high traffic and is therefore thought of a clever mind that the flow (circulation) can be used for information and intelligence purposes.The first tape attaches the piece of paper, and followed the familiar yellow label (Post-its).
The basic idea of the piece of paper was saved, ie. convey a short message to someone.It comes default with Windows 7, you find it so easy in the start menu (Start menu).
Click left mouse button on the Start button, point to All Programs, and you will quickly see a folder (folder) highlighted item 1, under the name Accessories. Click on it, and then on Sticky Notes, at point 2.With the same success by starting a program for notes, if the start menu in the box that says Search programs and files, type "Sticky Notes" and press ENTER.
First Sticky Note will appear in the default yellow edition. If you considered this color not comfortable, click inside the yellow area of the right mouse button and you will get a pop-up menu where you can choose one of five non-yellow color :) . .Left mouse button activate the desired color.
Sticky Notes consists of a header and text. The header (this is seen only in active sticky notes, if they have more than one) are two star symbols buttons.By clicking the plus sign (+, in addition to point 1 on the picture above) add the new notes on your desktop. In addition to point 2, the header is a symbol of X which notes removed from the desktop. Before that Windows 7 will ask Are you sure you want to delete this note?Answer it by clicking the Yes button, if you delete the notes were intended.To avoid recurrence of this issue, click the check box (in point 3) in addition to text "Do not display this message again (do not show this message again).
Although it seems naive, because there are no menus, Sticky Notes has a (hidden) capabilities.You can create different lists or stylize text. Select the desired text and then pressing the key combination on the keyboard activate some of these options:
1st Bold: CTRL+B Highlighted text (bold): CTRL + B
2nd Striketrough: CTRL+T Linethrough marked text : CTRL + T
3rd Italics: CTRL+I Italic text : CTRL + I
4th Decrease text size: CTRL+SHIFT+< Reduces the marked text
5th Decrease text size: CTRL+SHIFT+> Marked increase text
6th Bulleted list: CTRL+SHIFT+L - List the items (Bulleted list): CTRL + SHIFT + L (press all three keys at once)
7th Numbered list: CTRL + SHIFT + L (2x press L, while the other two hold)
8th ABC list (a,b,c, etc): CTRL+SHIFT+L (3x press L, while the other two hold)
9th Roman numeral list – i,ii, etc.): CTRL+SHIFT+L (5x press L)
10th Left align: CTRL+L Left aligned
11th Right align: CTRL+R - Right alignment of text
12th Centered align: CTRL+E
13th Delete, no confirmation : CTR+D
14th Undo CTRL+Z Return to step back
15th Redo CTRL+Y Repeat the previous step
For advanced users (and for the fearless beginner)
Sticky Notes supports Rich Text Format (for beginners: the type of style editing text), and it is possible to copy the contents of a text adapted from HTML pages, Word or some similar program for working with text, and paste the content (paste) in a message.
In the end, I'm going to say that Sticky Notes automatically saves every message as soon as the mouse leave the message field and click anywhere outside. The messages are saved in the user folder, which is located at C: \ Users \ user \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Sticky Notes ". All your messages are packed into a binary file called StickyNotes.snt. To be able to see the AppData folder, you need to include the display of hidden files (Show hidden files, folders and Drives) in the settings of Windows Explorer.
- Win + M - Minimizes all open windows
- Win + Shift + M - cancels the last action, returns all the windows back on the screen
- Win + D - shows desktop
- Win + up arrow - maximize the current window, that shows it full screen
- Win + down arrow - minimize the current window
- Win + left arrow - sets the current window to the left half of the screen
- Win + right arrow - sets the current window to the right half of the screen
The previous two shortcuts are extremely useful, especially when used one after another.They allow you to share your screen.For example, read the left half of the screen and typing on the right half.
- Win + Shift + up arrow - increase page vertical window on the highest value.
- Win + Shift + down arrow - page sets the vertical window on the previous value.
- Win + Space - shows the desktop - the same function as when you put the mouse pointer in the lower right corner of the screen.Only works if your computer supports Aero theme.
- Win + Home - maximize / minimize the current window.
- Alt + F4 - well-known shortcut that closes the current window.This shortcut is one of the most commonly used.
- Alt + Tab - returns the window that was previously active.If you hold down the ALT key and repeatedly pressing TAB, you can move cyclically through all open windows.
- ALR + Esc - alternately shows every open window.
- Win + Tab - 3D view of open windows. If you hold down Alt, and repeatedly pressing Tab, you can move cyclically through all open windows, with a very nice 3D animation.Only works if your computer supports Aero theme.
- Ctrl + Win + Tab - similar to the previous shortcut, except that now the windows remain in the 3D view until the arrow keys on the keyboard (or turning the wheel on the mouse) does not position the desired window.
Shortcuts for taskbar
- Win + a number - opens the appropriate application that is attached (pin, - the program whose icon is always located on the taskbar) on the taskbar with that serial number. For example, if I wanted to run Internet Explorer, I would press Win +2.
- Ctrl + mouse click to pin - cyclical move through the open windows of the program.
- Shift + click on pinned program - run a new instance of the program.
- Ctrl + Shift + click on pinned program - run a new instance of the program, but with administrator permissions.
- Shift + Right-click on pinned program - shows the control window (Minimize, close, etc ...).
- Win + T - cycle moves through the applications in the taskbar, showing a small picture of the open.
- Win + Shift + T - the same action as the previous shortcut, but in the opposite order.
General shortcuts
- Win + P - Displays options that allow the picture on two monitors.Very useful shortcut that gives you a choice of how the image is displayed on your monitor connected to another monitor, projector or TV.
- Win + D - shows the active Gagdet on the desktop.
- Win + L - locks the account, the same as "Switch User" option, which means that all your programs will remain open, and the other user can access your account.
- Win + + - you should press the plus button (+) - (zoom) display screen.
- Win + - - you should press the button minus (-) - -zoom display screen.
- Win + = - you should press the button equal (=) - powered magnifying glass, an application that lets you to see closer or further away display screen.
Shortcuts for Windows Explorer
- Alt + P - shows / hides the panel to display the marked file, which will appear on the right side of an open window.
- Alt + up arrow - moves to a level above the current folder, ie the parent folder.
- Alt + arrow left / right - returns to the previous folder, or go to the next. It has the same function as a blue arrow on the bottom of images that are left of the path and folder name (Figure below).
Stickers for Desktop (Sticky Notes)
It is not known exactly when the fridge started to be used as a bulletin board.But, as with sites on the Internet, its popularity has grown due to high traffic and is therefore thought of a clever mind that the flow (circulation) can be used for information and intelligence purposes.The first tape attaches the piece of paper, and followed the familiar yellow label (Post-its).
The basic idea of the piece of paper was saved, ie. convey a short message to someone.It comes default with Windows 7, you find it so easy in the start menu (Start menu).
Click left mouse button on the Start button, point to All Programs, and you will quickly see a folder (folder) highlighted item 1, under the name Accessories. Click on it, and then on Sticky Notes, at point 2.With the same success by starting a program for notes, if the start menu in the box that says Search programs and files, type "Sticky Notes" and press ENTER.
First Sticky Note will appear in the default yellow edition. If you considered this color not comfortable, click inside the yellow area of the right mouse button and you will get a pop-up menu where you can choose one of five non-yellow color :) . .Left mouse button activate the desired color.
Sticky Notes consists of a header and text. The header (this is seen only in active sticky notes, if they have more than one) are two star symbols buttons.By clicking the plus sign (+, in addition to point 1 on the picture above) add the new notes on your desktop. In addition to point 2, the header is a symbol of X which notes removed from the desktop. Before that Windows 7 will ask Are you sure you want to delete this note?Answer it by clicking the Yes button, if you delete the notes were intended.To avoid recurrence of this issue, click the check box (in point 3) in addition to text "Do not display this message again (do not show this message again).
Although it seems naive, because there are no menus, Sticky Notes has a (hidden) capabilities.You can create different lists or stylize text. Select the desired text and then pressing the key combination on the keyboard activate some of these options:
1st Bold: CTRL+B Highlighted text (bold): CTRL + B
2nd Striketrough: CTRL+T Linethrough marked text : CTRL + T
3rd Italics: CTRL+I Italic text : CTRL + I
4th Decrease text size: CTRL+SHIFT+< Reduces the marked text
5th Decrease text size: CTRL+SHIFT+> Marked increase text
6th Bulleted list: CTRL+SHIFT+L - List the items (Bulleted list): CTRL + SHIFT + L (press all three keys at once)
7th Numbered list: CTRL + SHIFT + L (2x press L, while the other two hold)
8th ABC list (a,b,c, etc): CTRL+SHIFT+L (3x press L, while the other two hold)
9th Roman numeral list – i,ii, etc.): CTRL+SHIFT+L (5x press L)
10th Left align: CTRL+L Left aligned
11th Right align: CTRL+R - Right alignment of text
12th Centered align: CTRL+E
13th Delete, no confirmation : CTR+D
14th Undo CTRL+Z Return to step back
15th Redo CTRL+Y Repeat the previous step
For advanced users (and for the fearless beginner)
Sticky Notes supports Rich Text Format (for beginners: the type of style editing text), and it is possible to copy the contents of a text adapted from HTML pages, Word or some similar program for working with text, and paste the content (paste) in a message.
In the end, I'm going to say that Sticky Notes automatically saves every message as soon as the mouse leave the message field and click anywhere outside. The messages are saved in the user folder, which is located at C: \ Users \ user \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Sticky Notes ". All your messages are packed into a binary file called StickyNotes.snt. To be able to see the AppData folder, you need to include the display of hidden files (Show hidden files, folders and Drives) in the settings of Windows Explorer.
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