Monday, 20 August 2012

Remote Administration Tool(RAT) Setup

Heya Fellas, In this post i'll show you how to setup a RAT(Remote Administration Tool) using Darkcomet.

You'll Need these, So Download 'em :

No-IP Setup

You'll have to sign up in No-IP, Click Here.
Once that's done, go here :
[Image: 63487295.png]

And Fill in the Hostname Information.

[Image: 40960867.png]

Now Install the Downloaded No-IP DUC Client. Open it and Login.

And Select "Select Hosts".
[Image: 66847899.png]

After that, the Host that you have created will show up, so just check the box like here :
[Image: 45311727.png]

Now Click on "Save".

DarkComet Configuration

Now, Open up DarkComet.
[Image: 41564684.png]

After that, Simply put an random port, anything is valid.
And Don't forget to Remember the Port you have Entered.

[Image: 33476050.png]


Open up "CMD.exe" and type "ipconfig" and press Enter, so as to get the default Gateway.

Now Open up your Browser ( Chrome for eg.), and type in the Default Gateway IP Address. This will take you to the router configuration page. Open it up by typing in your user id and password ( Default - Userid :Admin and Password :Password). Get into Port-Forwarding Menu.

Now, Enter up the Port Number and Select TCP and Key in the IPv4 Address which we extracted from our computer using CMD. Now Click Appy.

Now, We have Successfully Completed Port-Forwarding.

DarkComet Setup

Now, Open DarkComet.
[Image: 86805556.png]

Click on DarkComet-RAT --> Server Module --> Full Editor (Exert)

Just Fill in the Profile, as i did.
[Image: 69474073.png]


[Image: 85369919.png]

And so on,

[Image: 96177740.png]

And Then,

Now you have finally created the Server.exe which will transfer information from the Victim's Computer.

Now, It's your talent to Spread this. As soon as the Victim Download's it, the server will start running in the background and will start trasferring information to us.

But one Defect is that , All Anti Viruses can Detect this. So for Making it undetecable you have to crypt the File, about which ill post on upcoming dates.

Enjoy :)

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