Saturday, 15 September 2012

Hiding Files Inside a Image File

This is a post where you could learn how to hide any file into a jpeg image.

1) Collect all the files you wish to bind and Place them in a folder, including the image file.


The Image File from hereon will be referred as "Hide.jpg".

2) Now put the files you want to compress into a new folder (inside the same folder) and compress the folder using Winrar to ".rar" or ".zip". Now the Folder should contain only two files the Image file and the RAR file. 


The rar file from hereon will be referred as "Hidden.rar".

3) Now Open up Command Prompt by Clicking on Start -> Run -> cmd.

4) In Command Prompt, Navigate yourself to the Folder by keying in "cd" command ( Change Directory Command) 

EX: cd c:\documents\Folder1

5) Now you have to type the following code to bind these two files.


copy /b hide.jpg + hidden.rar hide.jpg

6) Hurray :) You have hidden the file into the image file.

Now the file will act as .jpeg file (Image File) and yet it will contain your file.

How to View the Contents and Extract the Files

Method 1: You can directly change the extension of the file from "hide.jpg" to "hide.rar" and you can view and extract the files.

Method 2: You can open the image file using winrar and from there you can view and extract the files.

Enjoy :)