This Blog will Help people learn about computers, mobile phones and also will give them the perfect idea about Hacking and its types.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Sending Fake Messages on Facebook
Hi guys,
Today you will see how to send messages on facebook from any account !!
First Go to this Site. Click Here.
Now we need two things for successfully sending a fake message:
The Primary email of the person from whom you want to send the email(here i am using my friend's email), you can easily get it from Profile page of the person or ask him.
The Username of the person whom you want to send the message. (like ) here the bossc211 is my username.
So the Facebook email will be
Now you Just need to goto the site And fill the form.
The target will get this:
Enjoy sending fake messages :)
Today you will see how to send messages on facebook from any account !!
First Go to this Site. Click Here.
Now we need two things for successfully sending a fake message:
The Primary email of the person from whom you want to send the email(here i am using my friend's email), you can easily get it from Profile page of the person or ask him.
The Username of the person whom you want to send the message. (like ) here the bossc211 is my username.
So the Facebook email will be
Now you Just need to goto the site And fill the form.
The target will get this:
Enjoy sending fake messages :)
Free Avast License Key (Exp date: 1/12/2038 )
Here is the Key For Avast Antivirus.
This key Expires only 1/12/2038
Click Here to Get the Key.
Enjoy :)
This key Expires only 1/12/2038
Click Here to Get the Key.
Enjoy :)
Free And Unlimited SMS-verification and Virtual Credit Cards
SMS Verification:
Get a anonymous fake mobile-phone number to receive verfication SMS for free.
Click Here to go get a free fake Mobile-Phone number.
Virtual Credit Card:

Get a legit, usable virtual credit card (FREE!).
Here you can get a VCC completely for free to:
- Verify Paypal accounts
- Verify E-bay accounts
Click Here to go to get your Free VCC!
Monday, 29 October 2012
Cracking Windows Password

Note : Please use Google search to download the latest version of the software.
To Crack Windows password we will be using Ophcrack ( 90 % success rate) and free version of KON-BOOT (100% success rate ).
Download Ophcrack
The first thing we will need to do is download the CD image from Ophcrack’s website. There are two options to download, XP or Vista, so make sure you grab the right one. The Vista download works with Windows Vista or Windows 7, and the only difference between XP and Vista is the “tables” Ophcrack uses to determine the password.
Once the .iso file is downloaded, burn it to a CD using Imgburn, Nero.....( Google search to download the latest version of the software)
If you are going to be cracking your password on something that doesn't have a CD drive, such as a net book download the Universal USB creator from Pen Drive Linux. A USB drive will not only run faster but you can also use a single USB drive for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 if you copy the needed tables to the drive.
To create a USB drive that works with all versions of Windows, download the free password tables from Ophcrack’s website.
Now extract the tables to \tables\vista_free on the USB drive and they will be used automatically by Ophcrack.
Boot from CD/USB
Boot the computer from the CD or USB drive that you created.
Note: On some computers you may have to go into the BIOS settings to change the boot order or push a key to show the boot menu.
Once the disk is done booting, Ophcrack should start automatically and will begin cracking the passwords for all of the users on your computer.
Note: If the computer boots and you only have a blank screen or Ophcrack doesn't start, try restarting the computer and selecting manual or low RAM options on the live CD boot menu.
If you have a complex password it will take a lot longer than simple passwords, and with the free tables your password may never be cracked. Once the crack is done you will see the password in plain text, write it down and reboot the machine to login. If your password isn't cracked, you can also log in as one of the other users with admin rights and then change your password from within Windows.
With the free tables available you will not be able to crack every 90% password.
Getting onto someone’s computer when they are not around can be a tall task. Most people have passwords on their machines, thwarting any would-be pranksters.
Well, this problem can be solved with a small tool called KON-BOOT. Rather than cracking a Windows password, KON-BOOT bypasses it and lets you into the computer without typing one in. Then, when you restart, everything is back to normal, that is, everything you didn't change for the computer prank.
To get KON-BOOT, Click Here.
You will have to unzip the downloaded file and then burn the CD image or on pen drive After that is done, you are ready to start the pranking fun.
Wait until a friend leaves his computer and make sure you have enough time to get the deed done. Pop in the CD and turn on the computer, making sure you boot from the CD. This may require you to hit F12 at the BIOS screen and choose to boot from the CD. You’ll know you’re there when you see the following.
At any time, hit Enter and you should see an ASCII art logo draw onto the screen and a few loading dialog that should look something like this.
The computer should then boot Windows and, if everything worked, you shouldn't be prompted for a password. Now you’re ready to do your computer prank.
After you've finished your dirty deeds, you can just take out your disk and reboot the computer. It will boot as normal, with your playful changes waiting to be discovered.
KON-BOOT is a powerful tool and should be used with discretion. Clearly, it could be used for malicious purposes, but no one like a malicious person.
* KON-BOOT free version has limitation so we mainly use it for Win XP. ( Or you can get the free full version by searching.)
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
ESET NOD 32 Keys
Username: TRIAL-74819167
Password: 34d2d62f5x
Expiration: 21/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74819168
Password: dam6dv2ntc
Expiration: 21/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874101
Password: va8xdvdfh7
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874104
Password: sbn77cnj2v
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874105
Password: msev4d24bb
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874113
Password: bc55havrj6
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874116
Password: u8b6bv8nbd
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874120
Password: 8jbx2ju4d4
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874123
Password: sdj2s76x6c
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874127
Password: pe28kkf4m4
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874130
Password: ab7ae8sxdc
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874146
Password: u34bcemxf5
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874149
Password: evbc63xt8d
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874154
Password: 7ehbshke3f
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874161
Password: e266rve8dt
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874166
Password: 7hd5dc4t6x
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Password: 34d2d62f5x
Expiration: 21/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74819168
Password: dam6dv2ntc
Expiration: 21/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874101
Password: va8xdvdfh7
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874104
Password: sbn77cnj2v
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874105
Password: msev4d24bb
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874113
Password: bc55havrj6
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874116
Password: u8b6bv8nbd
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874120
Password: 8jbx2ju4d4
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874123
Password: sdj2s76x6c
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874127
Password: pe28kkf4m4
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874130
Password: ab7ae8sxdc
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874146
Password: u34bcemxf5
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874149
Password: evbc63xt8d
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874154
Password: 7ehbshke3f
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874161
Password: e266rve8dt
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Username: TRIAL-74874166
Password: 7hd5dc4t6x
Expiration: 22/11/2012
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Android Phone Free
Hello Friends! This is a method of Social Engineering an Phone from a Chinese web site for free...
1) An Email Id ( Gmail preferred )
2) Good English Knowledge
3) A lil bit of Luck :)
1) First find a good android mobile reviewing site. We can use Google to find it. Try searching "Android Phone Reviews". Copy the url into your notepad.
Note: Try Finding sites of your country for lesser suspicion.
2) Now to search for a good china android mobile. Again use Google. Search, " China mobile phones" or "China android phones". Copy the url into your notepad.
Note: Use the Complete URL seen on the address bar when you select the phone of your desire.
3) Now, that you have 2 links. Create an gmail id with its name matching the name of the android phone reviewing site.
For Ex: If the phone reviewing site is,
Create an email id,
4) Now on the China mobile phone site try finding their contact email address. So as to contact them.
5) Now we have to email the above taken address from step 4.
The simple trick is that you are gonna mail him that you are an phone reviewer from the phone review site and you need a sample phone to review and promote it.
For Ex:
Hello "Site Name",
I'm Garry G. Andrew from a famous Phone review Website, called "Phone Review Site". I have been
reviewing mobiles phones for about 6 years straight and I'm interested in reviewing one of your phones.To be Clear, "Name of Phone" ,an Android Phone. I'll put a nice review about the phone, just like "An Example review link taken from the Phone review site". Of course I'll add a link to the item, so that people from our site will be redirected to your website and may buy the phone. Since we have good stats around 327,500 views a day. If you are not ready to believe the stats, you can check it by yourself. I'm sure I can help you boost your sales with the review. For this review I (of course) need a sample to make a review from it. I hope to hear if you're interested in this opportunity.
Note: For you being more successful in this, you can try calling them instead of emailing them.
1) An Email Id ( Gmail preferred )
2) Good English Knowledge
3) A lil bit of Luck :)
1) First find a good android mobile reviewing site. We can use Google to find it. Try searching "Android Phone Reviews". Copy the url into your notepad.
Note: Try Finding sites of your country for lesser suspicion.
2) Now to search for a good china android mobile. Again use Google. Search, " China mobile phones" or "China android phones". Copy the url into your notepad.
Note: Use the Complete URL seen on the address bar when you select the phone of your desire.
3) Now, that you have 2 links. Create an gmail id with its name matching the name of the android phone reviewing site.
For Ex: If the phone reviewing site is,
Create an email id,
4) Now on the China mobile phone site try finding their contact email address. So as to contact them.
5) Now we have to email the above taken address from step 4.
The simple trick is that you are gonna mail him that you are an phone reviewer from the phone review site and you need a sample phone to review and promote it.
For Ex:
Hello "Site Name",
I'm Garry G. Andrew from a famous Phone review Website, called "Phone Review Site". I have been
reviewing mobiles phones for about 6 years straight and I'm interested in reviewing one of your phones.To be Clear, "Name of Phone" ,an Android Phone. I'll put a nice review about the phone, just like "An Example review link taken from the Phone review site". Of course I'll add a link to the item, so that people from our site will be redirected to your website and may buy the phone. Since we have good stats around 327,500 views a day. If you are not ready to believe the stats, you can check it by yourself. I'm sure I can help you boost your sales with the review. For this review I (of course) need a sample to make a review from it. I hope to hear if you're interested in this opportunity.
Note: For you being more successful in this, you can try calling them instead of emailing them.
ESET NOD 32 Keys ( Daily Updated)
Username: EAV-70684692
Password: e5aft3mpur
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70685338
Password: r4pamfbh6c
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70685340
Password: n57hevmkm3
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70688498
Password: jvfru7pfk3
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70688502
Password: h5pkchmsex
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689076
Password: r72nb2pxv6
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689079
Password: b47r5k3und
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689090
Password: 6autdba8x4
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689093
Password: p64u8xk6pc
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689095
Password: vs4r4sutr7
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-72006391
Password: 57pscc4d3j
Expiration: 11/12/2012
Username: EAV-73363962
Password: h7c4fvphjd
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363963
Password: 625vh5pbt2
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363965
Password: xc53nadms6
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363966
Password: k6vuphde4p
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363980
Password: psf7puhtes
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363986
Password: k4345mv3va
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73365107
Password: 7f8eu4tr37
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73365113
Password: kf8scjvmxn
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73365117
Password: nesjj6kjf2
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Password: e5aft3mpur
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70685338
Password: r4pamfbh6c
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70685340
Password: n57hevmkm3
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70688498
Password: jvfru7pfk3
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70688502
Password: h5pkchmsex
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689076
Password: r72nb2pxv6
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689079
Password: b47r5k3und
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689090
Password: 6autdba8x4
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689093
Password: p64u8xk6pc
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-70689095
Password: vs4r4sutr7
Expiration: 17/11/2012
Username: EAV-72006391
Password: 57pscc4d3j
Expiration: 11/12/2012
Username: EAV-73363962
Password: h7c4fvphjd
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363963
Password: 625vh5pbt2
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363965
Password: xc53nadms6
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363966
Password: k6vuphde4p
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363980
Password: psf7puhtes
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73363986
Password: k4345mv3va
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73365107
Password: 7f8eu4tr37
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73365113
Password: kf8scjvmxn
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Username: EAV-73365117
Password: nesjj6kjf2
Expiration: 03/01/2013
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Hiding Files Inside a Image File
This is a post where you could learn how to hide any file into a jpeg image.
1) Collect all the files you wish to bind and Place them in a folder, including the image file.
The Image File from hereon will be referred as "Hide.jpg".
2) Now put the files you want to compress into a new folder (inside the same folder) and compress the folder using Winrar to ".rar" or ".zip". Now the Folder should contain only two files the Image file and the RAR file.
The rar file from hereon will be referred as "Hidden.rar".
3) Now Open up Command Prompt by Clicking on Start -> Run -> cmd.
4) In Command Prompt, Navigate yourself to the Folder by keying in "cd" command ( Change Directory Command)
EX: cd c:\documents\Folder1
5) Now you have to type the following code to bind these two files.
copy /b hide.jpg + hidden.rar hide.jpg
6) Hurray :) You have hidden the file into the image file.
Now the file will act as .jpeg file (Image File) and yet it will contain your file.
How to View the Contents and Extract the Files
Method 1: You can directly change the extension of the file from "hide.jpg" to "hide.rar" and you can view and extract the files.
Method 2: You can open the image file using winrar and from there you can view and extract the files.
Enjoy :)
1) Collect all the files you wish to bind and Place them in a folder, including the image file.
The Image File from hereon will be referred as "Hide.jpg".
2) Now put the files you want to compress into a new folder (inside the same folder) and compress the folder using Winrar to ".rar" or ".zip". Now the Folder should contain only two files the Image file and the RAR file.
The rar file from hereon will be referred as "Hidden.rar".
3) Now Open up Command Prompt by Clicking on Start -> Run -> cmd.
4) In Command Prompt, Navigate yourself to the Folder by keying in "cd" command ( Change Directory Command)
EX: cd c:\documents\Folder1
5) Now you have to type the following code to bind these two files.
copy /b hide.jpg + hidden.rar hide.jpg
6) Hurray :) You have hidden the file into the image file.
Now the file will act as .jpeg file (Image File) and yet it will contain your file.
How to View the Contents and Extract the Files
Method 1: You can directly change the extension of the file from "hide.jpg" to "hide.rar" and you can view and extract the files.
Method 2: You can open the image file using winrar and from there you can view and extract the files.
Enjoy :)
Monday, 20 August 2012
Runescape Bank Pin Logger
Great Runescape Tool: Runescape Bank Pin Logger
This amazing tool generates you a tiny stub which you will need to send over to the victim with the bank pin.
Once the stub ran on the victim, it will send a notification email with the message that it worked!
After that, it's just a matter of time till the victim enters their bank pin and once it's entered you will receive a direct email with the bank pin + A screenshot of the bank!
This tool normally costs 50$, but now it's completely free!
This amazing tool generates you a tiny stub which you will need to send over to the victim with the bank pin.
Once the stub ran on the victim, it will send a notification email with the message that it worked!
After that, it's just a matter of time till the victim enters their bank pin and once it's entered you will receive a direct email with the bank pin + A screenshot of the bank!
This tool normally costs 50$, but now it's completely free!
Thank Hosman For Sharing This Software.
This Post is From Here.
Website booter
Great Free Website booter!
This easy and powerful website booter is coded in visual basic. Simply hit the URL you want to go offline in the program and then enter the amount of threads/duration.
This easy booter can take down medium websites such as
Use this tool at your own risk, I am not responsible for the damages!
This easy and powerful website booter is coded in visual basic. Simply hit the URL you want to go offline in the program and then enter the amount of threads/duration.
This easy booter can take down medium websites such as
Use this tool at your own risk, I am not responsible for the damages!
Thank Hosman For Creating This BOT.
This Post is From Here.
Free SMS & Email Bomber
First share: Free SMS & Email Bomber!
About the tool:
-Simple interface
-1 second delay only!
-SMS bomber only for ATNT!
-Email bomber works!
-Coded in
Don't be afraid of virus's or infections, the tool is 100% clean. Proof .
Thank Hosman For Sharing This Software.
This Post is From Here.
IlluDoser 1.0
IlluDoser 1.0 a powerful Doser
About IlluDoser 1.0:
This powerful Doser uses 4 different attack styles: HTTP, UDP, SYN and SlowLoris. Choose your own attack method. It has a very simple GUI.
Features of IlluDoser 1.0:
-Different attack styles: HTTP, UDP, SYN and SlowLoris
-xBuffer, this makes the packets increase 3 times
-Coded in VB6
-You can build the stub with startup/install
-With Anti-Bitdefender
-Easy GUI
Video of using IlluDoser 1.0:
Thank Hosman For Creating This BOT.
This Post is From Here.
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